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Now You Know!!!
The exchanges are so easy and fresh that you hardly can tell the age difference between the two of them. They let you know that it does not really matter if you just try to understand the other persons point of view, and if not let them be them. Perhaps, let is not the right word, cause people can’t be changed by you, they can only change themselves if they want to. Love the pod cast and the players!! KEEP IT UP.

Great Rapport
I had a feeling the audio would be top-quality (it was), but the rapport between Reggie and Armandi is great as well. Keep up the great work! I’ll be recommending to my friends. 😎

Love this podcast so much! The perfect mix of humor and relevant topics, so insightful and uplifting! Can’t wait for the next episode We want more Eddy the mascot features! 🗣